Chabad is here is to help & here is how:

During these uncertain and troubling times, the Chabad Center for Jewish Life is here for you in any way we can be of service. You don't need to know us well, you don't need to be a "member", you just need to have a need that we can help fill. Please reach our to us if there is something you may need. 


Ongoing Programs:

Over the past couple of months we have put a few community programs into play. We have 4 to 5 online broadcasts and classes a week and we have a Shabbat & Holiday support program.

Here is a list of these programs, we look forward to seeing you. 


Sundays at 9:00 AM

Shacharit Morning Service & Talmud Study -

My Talmud Class Image

Start each week off on the right foot with a complete morning Shacharit prayer service which will take about 45 minutes, followed by a Talmud stud and discussion. Please feel free to join at anytime and for as long as you're able. 

We'll meet on Zoom & Facebook-Live

To join via Zoom: 

or call: (301) 715- 8592  Meeting ID: 377 272 142  Password: 060968

To join via Facebook Live: you do not need a Facebook account to watch it live on Facebook. 



Wednesdays at 7:00 PM

Torah Talks Class

Delve into a topic from the week's Torah portion. An in-depth look at a Torah topic and the practical lessons we can learn from them for our day to day life. 

Click Here for a full schedule of topics planned for each week

We'll meet on Zoom & Facebook-Live

To join via Zoom:

or Call: Meeting ID: 903 173 520  Password: 748355

To join via Facebook-Live: you do not need a Facebook account to watch it live on Facebook.


A Thursday Special - (Not Every Week)

Every so often we will be hosting a special event on Thursday evening. We will be seaking our high end speakers & educators who will share their expertise for an hour with us on Zoom & Facebook-Live. 

Watch for emails and social media posts for these events as they will not be happening each week.

Next Upcoming Thursday Special is...

- Friday Soup & Challah for the Quarantined Soul -

Order by Thursday Noon! -

Challah Chicken Soup

Place your order with Fruma via email by Thursday noon each week. The orders are free but to keep this program going, if you are fortunate enough to help please make a donation here. 



Ongoing Services:

The only way through this pandemic is to lean on each other, together, we ehn we share our hearts with one another and to be present for one and another. Here are our advertised areas of help, but if there is something you need that is not listed please reach our to either Rabbi Avrohom Perlstein at [email protected] or Mrs. Fruma Perlstein at [email protected] 


Become a Carrier of Hope


Spread Hope, Kindness and Patience with these beautiful yard signs. Get yours today by emailing [email protected]

You can also join the campaign with a donation to Chabad at


Hebrew Free Loans

Being that many are in need of money due to what COVID-19 has put us all through, Hebrew Free Loans is offering $1,000 loans specifically for this situation. They offer greater amounts of interet free loans which you can apply for as well. The COVID loans would have to be paid back in 3 years and the first payment wouldn't be due for the first 3 months. Grant it the monthly payments are pretty small being that your given 3 years to pay it up.


Apply for a COVID-19 interest free loan by click here

Apply for a standard interent free loan by click here


Rabbi's Discretionary Fund

If you have fallen on hard times, we encourage you to reach to the Jewish Federation for an interest free loan. But if you need a little extra cash to support yourself or your family, we are happy to help. We don't have large amounts to give away but we are here to help with what we are can. If you need, please don't feel ashamed to reach out to Rabbi Perlstein with your needs, anyone who reaches out will be treated with utmost respect and confidentiality. You can email Rabbi Perlstein or call him at 503.383.9569


Can We Run An Errand For You?

Volunteers Are Ready To Help -

If you are home bound and do not not want to risk going out due to the coronavirus, we have volunteers who will run an errand for you. Please contact Rabbi Perlstein to set something up, either via email or call 503.383.9569. 

A number of community members have already sign up to volunteer and we thank them fror their willingness, time and service. If you are willing and able to volunteer please email us and let us know, we will add you to the list of volunteers. 


Speak to Fruma or Rabbi Perlstein

Rabbi & Fruma are available to spend some time with you. We can connect either over the phone, zoom, WhatsApp or FaceTime. Please follow this link to schedule a 30 minute slot https://calendy.come/rabbiay and choose a time that works and we'll be happy to learn or speak with you. Or you can just call or text one of us to set something up. 


Speak With Other Professionals

Parenting is rewarding but also difficult, especially now with COVID-19 restrictions. If you are one of many struggling parents who need support or parenting tools and ideas, please reach out. Tami Meyers is currently taking donations for her service to support those who need it. Since her sessions are conducted over the phone, we can all stay home and keep each other healthy. Check out her website for more information or contact her at

Tami Meyers, MA in Counseling & Certified Parenting Coach