Calendar for: Chabad Center for Jewish Life 1370 Crowley Avenue Southeast, Salem, OR 97302-1913
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Shabbat, March 2, 2024
22 Adar I, 5784
Shabbat Ends 6:46 PM
Shabbat Morning Services
Join our user-friendly traditional prayer services for a spiritually inspiring experience!
Soulful prayer, spirited song, Hebrew/English "user-friendly" prayer books, interactive and thought provokingTorah discussions followed by a delicious Kiddush luncheon.
Saturday mornings Services: 10:00 am
Torah reading and discussion: 11:15 am
Kiddush Luncheon: 12:45 pm
Come Be a Part of and Make the Minyan!
Soulful prayer, spirited song, Hebrew/English "user-friendly" prayer books, interactive and thought provokingTorah discussions followed by a delicious Kiddush luncheon.
Saturday mornings Services: 10:00 am
Torah reading and discussion: 11:15 am
Kiddush Luncheon: 12:45 pm
Come Be a Part of and Make the Minyan!
Sunday, March 3, 2024
23 Adar I, 5784
Grand Opening of The Salem Mikvah
Join us for a grand celebration and Jewish historic event, the opening of Salem's very own Mikvah.
There will be guest speakers, ribbon cutting ceremony, live music and light refreshments will be served.
Monday, March 4, 2024
24 Adar I, 5784
JLI - Advice for Life - Class 6
Spiritual Heights
Discover a unique approach to realizing our most profound potential and achieving real spiritual growth that combines lofty goals with remarkably practical guidance.
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
26 Adar I, 5784
Torah Talks - The Ultimate ROI
Doing What’s Right Isn’t Always about Right Now
Any investor understands that it takes risk, effort, and a long time of seeing no return to really reap the benefits later. As we continue our millennia-long Exile and look at our Temple in ruins, think of all this time as an investment: amazing returns are coming our way.
Shabbat, March 9, 2024
29 Adar I, 5784
Shabbat Ends 6:55 PM
Shabbat Morning Services
Join our user-friendly traditional prayer services for a spiritually inspiring experience!
Soulful prayer, spirited song, Hebrew/English "user-friendly" prayer books, interactive and thought provokingTorah discussions followed by a delicious Kiddush luncheon.
Saturday mornings Services: 10:00 am
Torah reading and discussion: 11:15 am
Kiddush Luncheon: 12:45 pm
Come Be a Part of and Make the Minyan!
Soulful prayer, spirited song, Hebrew/English "user-friendly" prayer books, interactive and thought provokingTorah discussions followed by a delicious Kiddush luncheon.
Saturday mornings Services: 10:00 am
Torah reading and discussion: 11:15 am
Kiddush Luncheon: 12:45 pm
Come Be a Part of and Make the Minyan!
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
3 Adar II, 5784
Torah Talks - We Don’t Always Follow the Rules
When It Comes to Teaching Judaism, We Take an Unconventional Approach
“Slow and steady wins the race,” they said. And it’s usually true. But sometimes we can’t afford slow and steady. When teaching our children—or even ourselves—about Judaism, we must be bold and ambitious–above and beyond what would usually make sense.
Shabbat, March 16, 2024
6 Adar II, 5784
Shabbat Ends 8:04 PM
Shabbat Morning Services
Join our user-friendly traditional prayer services for a spiritually inspiring experience!
Soulful prayer, spirited song, Hebrew/English "user-friendly" prayer books, interactive and thought provokingTorah discussions followed by a delicious Kiddush luncheon.
Saturday mornings Services: 10:00 am
Torah reading and discussion: 11:15 am
Kiddush Luncheon: 12:45 pm
Come Be a Part of and Make the Minyan!
Soulful prayer, spirited song, Hebrew/English "user-friendly" prayer books, interactive and thought provokingTorah discussions followed by a delicious Kiddush luncheon.
Saturday mornings Services: 10:00 am
Torah reading and discussion: 11:15 am
Kiddush Luncheon: 12:45 pm
Come Be a Part of and Make the Minyan!
Sunday, March 17, 2024
7 Adar II, 5784
Family Hamantash Bake
Roll and fill your own delicious hamantaschen.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
10 Adar II, 5784
Torah Talks - When Ordinary Is Extraordinary
Finding Meaning, Purpose, and Wonder in Everyday Moments
Jewish holidays are all on fixed dates. But curiously, when it comes to Purim, it seems that certain aspects of the holiday can be observed on a number of different days. This interesting fact tells us that not only are holidays uniquely special; any day can be unique if we look carefully.
Shabbat, March 23, 2024
13 Adar II, 5784
Shabbat Ends 8:13 PM
Shabbat Morning Services
Join our user-friendly traditional prayer services for a spiritually inspiring experience!
Soulful prayer, spirited song, Hebrew/English "user-friendly" prayer books, interactive and thought provokingTorah discussions followed by a delicious Kiddush luncheon.
Saturday mornings Services: 10:00 am
Torah reading and discussion: 11:15 am
Kiddush Luncheon: 12:45 pm
Come Be a Part of and Make the Minyan!
Soulful prayer, spirited song, Hebrew/English "user-friendly" prayer books, interactive and thought provokingTorah discussions followed by a delicious Kiddush luncheon.
Saturday mornings Services: 10:00 am
Torah reading and discussion: 11:15 am
Kiddush Luncheon: 12:45 pm
Come Be a Part of and Make the Minyan!
Festive Megillah Reading
It is customary to hear the Megillah read twice on Purim. Once Purim night and once Purim day. So after Shabbat we will gather to read the Megillah and enjoy some delicious Hamentashen! Let's hear the WHOLE Megillah!